Other Websites
Below is a list of websites of possible interest. Some relate to the Little Scottish Cluster directly, while others deal with the LSC's parent haplogroups, or genetic genealogy in general.
General Interest Sites
- ISOGG - International Society of Genetic Genealogy (R Tree)
- FTDNA - Family Tree DNA
- Scotlands DNA
- FullGenomes
- Anthrogenica - DF21 (L21>DF13>DF21) and Subclades (DF5/S191, P314.2, S190, etc)
- YSEQ - DNA Origins Project
- chromo2 YSNP alt names.xlsx Alternate names for SNPs including the S-series SNPs from Chromo2
- YFull
R-M343 (R1b) Related Sites
- Mike Walsh's R1b (M343) SNP Diagram
- R1b-Early_Haplotypes.zip - A spreadsheet with early R1b haplotypes excluding the major subclades maintained by Mike Walsh.
- R1b-U106_Haplotypes.zip - A spreadsheet with R-U106 haplotypes maintained by Mike Walsh.
R-P312 Related Sites
- Mike Walsh's R-P312 SNP Diagram - A very useful diagram showing the relationship between the various known R-P312 SNPs.
- Mike Walsh's R-DF27 SNP Diagram - R-DF27 is a brother clade to R-L21.
R-L21 Related Sites
- R-L21 STR Clusters - An incomplete and outdated list of R-L21 STR Clusters
- Genetic Trees by Alex Williamson - Some phylogenetic trees generated by Alex Williamson
- Mike Walsh's R-L21 SNP Diagram - A very useful diagram showing the relationship between the various known R-L21 SNPs.
- R1b-L21_Haplotypes.zip - A spreadsheet with R-L21 haplotypes maintained by Mike Walsh.
- Full Genomes and Big Y SNPs Comparison Excel File (NGS SNP Analysis.xlsx)
- The Big Tree - Full Genomes and Big Y SNPs Comparison as a webpage
- Spreadsheet of L21 men from ScotlandsDNA C2_2000 file - Only includes those SNPs relevant to R-L21 men.
- Spreadsheet of L21 men from ScotlandsDNA C2_2000 file (broken into pieces) - Only includes those SNPs relevant to R-L21 men. This version suitable for versions of Excel 2003 and earlier.
- Spreadsheet of all STR positions and motifs
R-DF21 Related Sites
- FTDNA R-DF21 Project - The FTDNA R-DF21 Project (Y-DNA Results)
LSC Related Sites
- FTDNA LSC Project - The FTDNA LSC Project (Y-DNA Results)
- YFull Experimental Tree for R1b1a2a1a2c1g4 (R-S424)