Surname Projects
Below is a list of websites of for various surnames in the Little Scottish Cluster. Although many are included, some are not. If you're a part of the LSC and don't see you name's project here, please let me konw.
Surname Project Sites
Below is a table summarizing the various families that are a part of our cluster. Only men who have had at least 67 markers tested (the FTDNA 67 marker test), and are confirmed to have DYS590 = 9, are included in the "# of members" count.
Surname | # of members | Website | Notes (including subgroup) |
Kilgore | 26 | Kilgore FTDNA Project | Almost all men in this project (Groups 1 to 6) belong to the LSC. Only the "Non Matching Kilgore Participants" or "Ungrouped" men are likely not a part of the LSC. |
Sloan | 21 | Sloan FTDNA Project | R-L21 "Little Scottish Cluster" SLOAN main line. This includes 3 Adams men whose haplotypes are very close to the Sloan men. |
Boggs | 13 | Boggs FTDNA:, Livingston/MacLea/Boggs FTDNA, Worldfamilies Boggs Project | 1-Boggs/Livingston for the Boggs project, Lineage II for the Worldfamilies project and "3- Boggs" for the Livingston/MacLea/Boggs project. |
Munro | 4 | Munro FTDNA | Group 04 - Lochfyneside Munros & those related. There are some extra men in this group who do not look like they belong to the LSC. |
Stark | 13 | Stark FTDNA | Groups 02a-02e |
Hall | 12 | Hall FTDNA, Haul FTDNA | The members are in Family 019 R1b Northumberland & Borders, England AND early settlers in America, Canada and Australia in the Hall FTDNA project, and in group Hall of Rural Northumberland, England for the Haul project. This includes 2 Benjamin and 2 Johnson men. |
Crockett | 1 | Crockett FTDNA | Subgroup Five |
Walker | 4 | Walker FTDNA | Group GR-14 |
Doig | 1 | Those with the green "Match" | There are two entries on ySearch. |
McCorkle | 7 | McCorkle FTDNA | Group 1 - McCorkle variations, Colonial U.S. & Ulster Plantation |
Akin | 6 | Akins FTDNA | The members are in group AF01. 1 member in 'AF90 - Ungrouped R1b' also looks to be LSC. |
Mc(C)laren | 8 | MacLaren FTDNA | R1b Group Type 40: McClaren. There are also a couple members in some of the other groups. McClaren and McLaren seem to be separate lineages. |
Thornton | 1 | Thornton FTDNA | Group E (South Carolina) R1b1a2 |
Williamson | 6 | Williamson FTDNA | E Sub group |
Gilreath | 4 | | Group 6 |
Mitchell | 2 | Mitchell FTDNA | Hap R1b Group 04 |
Ewing | 1 | Ewing FTDNA, Ewing Surname Y-DNA Project | Group 4b |
Wilson | 5 | Wilson FTDNA | R1b1a2 (R-M269+). There are two independent Wilson lineages in the LSC. |
Ferguson | 3 | Ferguson FTDNA: , Fergus(s)on DNA Project | Group R1b : L21 Little Scots in the Ferguson FTDNA project |
Savage | 1 | Savage Worldfamilies | Haplogroup R1b>P312>L21>DF21 |
Colson | 2 | Colson FTDNA: R1b--Middlesex Co, Massachusetts | |
Livingston | 5 | Boggs FTDNA:1-Boggs/Livingston, Livingston/MacLea/Boggs FTDNA | "3- Boggs" |
Thompson | 4 | Thompson FTDNA | Haplogroup R1b -(subgroup-ze). There's another in the 'Ungrouped' category. |
Stewart | 2 | Stewart FTDNA | R1b Subclade : R1b1a2 (M-269): Unassigned. The haplotypes of the two 67-marker Stewart men are quite different, and are likely from independent lineages. |
Russell | 1 | Russell Worldfamilies | Haplogroup R1b - No Match yet in the Project |
Morrison | 1 | Morrison DNA Project | Group Y |
Shaw | 1 | Shaw Worldfamilies | Haplogroup R1b - Lineage VI |
Gilmore | 1 | Gilmore FTDNA | Ungrouped |
Clucas | 1 | Isle of Man (Manx) FTDNA | Hg R1b |
Eaton | 1 | Eaton Worldfamilies | Haplogroup R1b - No Match yet in the Project |
Chism | 1 | Chisholm FTDNA | Hap R1b Irish |
Mooney | 1 | Scottish DNA FTDNA | Hap R1b Irish |
Sheehy | 1 | Irish Roots FTDNA | Ungrouped |
Presley | 1 | presley-pressley FTDNA | Subgroup D |
McGregor | 0 | MacGregor FTDNA | MacGregor distant |
Hodge(s) | 0 | Hodge(s) Worldfamilies | Haplogroup R1b - No Match yet in the Project |
McGuire | 0 | McGuire FTDNA | 1780 Lincoln Ky |